When people ask about or read about you, do you have sassy sound bites at the ready to describe what you do and why it matters?  Here are a few examples of “Boilerplate” and “Really Great” answers.


  • I know how to keep a secret.
  • I am at my goal weight.
  • I know a little about a lot of things.

Really Great

  • I know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop, and I’ll never tell.
  • I weigh one pound less than my driver license says.
  • I once lost $13,000 in the final round of Jeopardy.

The “boilerplate” comments don’t really stand out. The “really great” comments DO because they are memorable, remarkable, and repeatable.  They also invite connection, curiosity, and conversation.

DIY Publicity Question of the Day: What are your sassy sound bites?  And are you ready to share them at a moment’s notice to invite the right conversations with your ideal customers, in your bio, at the local networking event, and beyond? Take some time to consider what you’ll say to capture attention, invite connection, and stimulate conversation.  Have some fun and be creative in your approach.  Then, your story will stand out — and you will, too.

By the way, on a personal note, I am happy to report that I do weigh one pound less than my driver license.   I started working on health and fitness on April 8 of this year in preparation for my high school reunion in June.   I set out to weigh less than my driver license, and now I do.  My weight loss this summer is a stunning result that makes me smile at this age and time in my life.  Alert the media, hurray, and amen!  If you want to know how I did it, just ask.