Risky Post, but I Really Want to Start This Conversation:

>> What is your point of view about HUGE BONUS BUNDLES at the end of a big promotion?

— Do you love them as consumers who can benefit from them?
— If you get them, do you use them?
— Anything else you want to say about this?

I’ll start. I know they are persuasive because I have seem the results from some of the bigger players in the industry. And, they worry me for a variety of reasons, too.

>>I wonder if those bonus bundles serve to devalue the programs offered as bonus offers.
>>I worry that “too much information” delivered to any client at any given time is a recipe for overwhelm instead of success.
>> And I ask myself if more digital bundles and live event tickets are what is needed and wanted most of all?

What do you have to say about this? I’d really love to know!

  • Barb Spanjers I sometimes feel like all the bonuses are too much. There have been some programs where I never even get to the bonuses. Also, it seems like bonuses are sometimes stated as having a higher monetary value tha is plausible. Like – the bonuses are worth triple the program’s price. Seems disingenuous.
  • Joan Brooks I think this is a good discussion to have. It seems to me that people will expect more and more as these big bonuses become common place. They’er effective and I think there’s also the slippery slope of a “good program at a good tuition” just won’t be salable, Don’t get me wrong, I was thrilled to get a stack of bonuses when I bought Jeff Walker’s excellent PLF program at Internet Impact, and now I’ll be disappointed if I’m not offered a huge bonus stack when I buy a program,
  • Like · Reply · 1 · September 26 at 7:32pm

  • Ruth Deutsch The problem with big bundles of bonuses is that the BIG GUYS who are afilliates WIN because they can give the biggest bonuses, and frankly sometimes the bonuses are as good or better than the product being sold! You’ll know what I mean if you saw Jeff Walker’s PLF (Product Launch Formula) that just finished the launch period yesterday. Lotsa people offering crazy deals that most of us can’t even compete with…
  • Barb Spanjers Makes it difficult for people who are newer to the online space. It seems you have to create mega-amounts of material so you can also offer bonuses.
  • Norm Hull Coupon mentality is being created with so many bonuses. Eventually the pool of “potential clients ” may come to recognize being added to an additional list is the long term goal. The is a chapter in the space and it will change, evolve or head in the opposite direction.
  • Meredith Poulton Eisenberg If it makes sense with the offer. As an affiliate – I like offering something equal to the value of the commission I”m getting… for example, if someone buys LeadPages through my link – I help them set up the first one. So… if the bonus isn’t layer upon layer of crap info but actual personal help or a special class to use the product – then that makes sense.
  • Carrie Roldan When thinking about a purchase, I don’t worry too much about the bonuses… I know that unless it is LIVE, it has little to no real value for me.
  • Angela Artemis I rarely think of the bonuses Nancy Juetten. Too many bonuses overwhelm me. I totally agree with Carrie Roldan unless it’s a live course I most likely will not make the time to do the bonus.
  • Charlotte Greenman Great question and one I am asking myself at the moment as I’m putting together my bonuses. I agree with Carrie Roldan and Angela Artemis that I don’t really worry too much about bonuses as so many are just added on to say you get something that at leSee More
    Like · Reply · 1 · 23 hrs
  • Kelly Jo Murphy I only like bonuses that are relevant to help the outcome of the program itself be even better. Otherwise, there is a desperate feeling of fear that “people won’t buy if I don’t throw more stuff at them” going on. People pick up on it….
  • Jason E. Rosado Great question, Nancy, and great responses! I have definitely bought some programs that I was lukewarm on, but I saw a bonus or two that I was really excited about, and bought for that, however I, too, see both the positives and negatives.

    Also, I th
    ink the biggest irony is that the affiliates by adding in bonuses end up offering more value than the program originator’s offer (total affiliate package = program + originator’s bonuses + affiliate’s bonuses), which then can drive sales away from the originator and to the affiliates. The whole construct is pretty wacky.

    That said, it’s clearly effective for increasing overall sales. I’ve wondered what would happen if there were a bonus value cap for affiliates in a given launch, then what would happen?
  • Nancy Juetten I so appreciate everyone’s comments. Thanks all. Keep them coming if you are so inspired.
  • Nancy Juetten I’d love to expand this conversation at my FB Fan page. Does anyone here object to that?
  • Charlotte Greenman Nope. Happy for it to go on your fan page smile emoticon may I also add that if the bonuses are way more value that the original product, that does out me off. You see products of 997 our 297 with over £10,000 of bonuses or more. To me, that doesn’t match and lSee More
  • Eli Isaac Esquire Adelson I agree with what most of what everyone has said, actually pretty much all of it. I like bonuses that add value to the course/product/program, but it doesn’t make a lot of sense that some of the bonuses are worth more than the actual product. I don’t think bonuses devalue the product, I think it’s a way for seller to give even more value to their clients and customers. (It’s like how ‘tribe builders’ like sharing value.)

There is an issue with too much information, as most people have said they don’t get to the bonuses (myself included). I feel it’s because all of the bonuses are just hammered at you along with the program all at the same time and it’s too much. One of the things I like about JVIC is the bonuses are spaced out, which actually gives you time to benefit from them. If more people offered bonuses in this way it might add even more value for the client.

Also, it seems a lot of ‘big players’ want to give back to their community and help clients build up their business (or whatever else).
As a small player it might be best to have fewer bonuses that complement the program.
Like · Reply · 1 · 4 hrs
  • Gayle Nowak, Nancy Juetten, I love that you’re bringing this convo to light. Personally, I don’t find the bonus bundles all that attractive as a consumer. In Jeff Walker’s launch, Don Crowther’s bonus bundle got my attention. The rest I tuned out. Also, I still didn’t buy PLF so while I thought Don’s offer was quite sexy, it didn’t move the needle for me. Actually, now that I think of it . . . I was more excited about Don’s stuff than Jeff’s . . . and I know Jeff is the mac daddy. So, maybe that supports the idea that the bonuses can take away from the initial offer. I get the bundle concept from the JV partner standpoint, but from a consumer standpoint, I don’t have time to learn more stuff. I’d say that if you’re going to offer a bonus keep it to one thing that helps the person further implement the original offer.