In March of 2011, I created a vision board, and I’ve been walking by it and looking at it every day since then. My vision board for 2011 showcased five big ideas from Lisa Sasevich that really spoke to me. She advised:
- Find the balance that works for you and live by it.
- Invest in yourself.
- Hire a virtual staff.
- You can sell without being “salesy.”
- Find your unique blessing and share it with the world.
I made big progress on points 2-5, which goes to show that what you focus on comes to pass. And I will confess — and I am sure it comes as no surprise — that I worked way too hard and allowed far too little time for fun in 2011. I declare that 2012 will be different. To make that happen, I will:
- Stay in the “joy zone” as much as possible because when I am doing those things that I am really good at, the light just shines. That is a big part of authentic visibility, and I plan to keep my focus there every single day.
- Keep my focus on the “big rocks” that have the potential to make the biggest impact in my business.
- Practice “sustainable generosity.” That means that I’ll be setting tighter boundaries on my time. If you have become accustomed to me responding to email questions at all hours of the day and night, this change is going to be a big one. Clients enrolled in my group training programs, those who engage my services, and joint venture partners will get my highest priority attention, and everyone else will have to wait.
- Calm the noise. That means being mindful about keeping my attention on relationships, initiatives, and projects that matter and ignoring a lot of the rest. This also is going to be hard, but step by step, I’ll make progress.
What will you be focusing on in 2012? I’d love to hear.