If you’ve been running your business for any length of time, you likely have a good sense of the characteristics that describe your ideal client. I was asked this question during a web conference the other day and said that my best clients operate in the “comfort and joy” space and provide products and services that deliver either or both. That response made me smile, and the folks on the call were grinning, too.

Over the years, I’ve worked with clients in a wide range of industries and professions, yet I am very attracted to those that provide comfort and joy. You could say that my client list is very “Oprah-esque,” and it is a beautiful thing. Olympic Hot Tub Company makes it easy to take it easy in your own backyard. Affirmagy offers personal affirmation blankets that wrap each wearer in gratitude, joy, courage, and love. Highline Medical Center provides extraordinary and compassionate medical care. Seattle Chocolate Co. provides delicious chocolates. Need I say more?

Now, I have applied my “comfort and joy” passion and created a new way to be of service to small business owners seeking their own free publicity. I have scheduled my first Publici-Tea™ for November 16. This event will offer the comfort and joy of a warm home setting and delicious refreshments, combined with publicity advice and guidance to support the awareness and buzz-building interests of ten lucky business owners. The event sold out in two days! More will be scheduled in 2008, and I’ll be investigating virtual events to serve clients here and beyond. My own attraction to comfort and joy compelled me to think of a new way to be of service over larger groups of business owners, and I can’t wait to earn raves from everyone who will be attending the first event next month.

Think about your own company’s claim to fame. Are you providing a product or service that is forever changing the way people live, work, and play? Are you offering a solution that is easing universal pain among a select group of customers? Are you an expert who can offer insight about a particular niche of business that can really profit from your guidance and advice? And, are you providing that service in a manner that really resonates with your own values, interests, and passions?

When you are clear about your claim to fame and how you wish to focus your practice, the Law of Attraction is sure to get into gear to bring you more ideal clients. This business of running a business is made all the sweeter when you work with perfect clients all of the time so you can work to your highest potential and deliver the greatest rewards and results for all. Consider that food for thought for a Monday morning.  Chocolates anyone?