Have you ever felt as though you have outgrown the role you carved out for yourself in the marketplace?

Could it be that what you’ve been doing has started to feel like an itchy Christmas sweater you can’t wait to take off as you slip into the ideal work you’ve been preparing to do all your life?

We all struggle with this from time to time.

What are the signs that it’s time to reflect and consider the next best version of you so you can answer the call?

For Diana, it was not so much about outgrowing her role as it was about showing up in service with her evolved purpose and priorities leading the way. All business at the expense of her personal life was not going to work a moment longer.

For Vicki, it was the exhaustion of grinding that left her feeling out of alignment with her calling. The silver linings that emerged from a tough break delivered the wake up call to re-energize her commitment to doing the work she’s gifted at with her full heart and to work with game changers who now seek her out for the opportunity to work together..

For Patty, it was the driving need to feel at home in a new setting in the aftermath of some major life changes that caused her to reorder her priorities and much about her business and her life.

For Tim, it was honoring the big idea that letting love lead would always be his go-to approach for making magic happen in his family life and his work.

If you’ve been hearing whispers that there is something more for you to embrace to serve at your highest level, and those whispers have turned into a roar you can no longer ignore, my own share via this post may be just what you need to read today.

Perhaps my message around having the courage to lean in and focus my future work in a bolder way can serve as inspiration for you to do the same.

Here goes.

I’ve been a specialist in so many arenas over the course of my online business career that started in 2008.

Need a better bio?  I’ve been your go-to expert.

Need a sizzling speaker sheet or a media one sheet?  Yep. I know how to do that.

Podcast guesting?  After hundreds of interviews I booked for myself, this is a skill I’ve mastered and taught to thousands.

Need a press release?  I’ve been your gal.

Word wizard who finds the words you can’t locate on your own so your website and story shine? Yep.

JV leaderboard winner?  Yep.

List builder with a five-figure list? Yep.

Email open rates that are enviable.  Yep.

Craft a talk that rocks?  Yep. I’ve earned some standing ovations along the way and some decent keynote fees.  I even came home  from a live event once with five-figures tucked in my bra from back of the room sales.

Deliver a 5-Day challenge to 1000 or more and enroll ideal clients into my leveraged group training program?  Yep.  I’ve done that multiple times.

Grown a Facebook group to thousands of engaged members?  Yep.  I’ve done it.

Start and grow a YouTube channel?  Yep.

Write books and promote them successfully to be #1 Amazon best-selling titles?  Yep.  3 times so far!

I’ve made friends with influencers and rubbed elbows with people I once admired from a far.

Along the way, I’ve demonstrated my expertise in all of these ways and made a bit of name for myself.

That’s what it is to be on the path to mastery.

What I’ve come to realize over the last six months in particular is that I am so much more than a technical expert.

i am an advocate. A champion. A cheerleader. A door opener for others. A sounding board. A caring leader.

A generous human being who wants to link arms with others to achieve magnificent things on our own best terms.

Not by counting commas in our incomes but by acting in aligned ways that serve and contribute to others’ success, while allowing white space in the calendar to also love life.

That’s why I’m leaning into the next best version of who I can be by leading the Love Your Business – Love Your Life Inner Circle.

By design, this will be an intimate curated cohort of experts with complimentary expertise who want to give and receive support, championship, referrals, and tap into the collective brain trust to succeed on our own best terms.

Every word of this invitation flowed direct from my heart to the page, and I invite you to read all about it.

If what I’ve crafted sounds like just what you’ve been craving in your business and life, i can’t wait  to chat with you and invite you to join us.

This is the next best version of Nancy Juetten, serving at the highest level and surrounding myself with others of like mind who want to love their businesses and love their lives.

Because one without the other isn’t good enough.

As to your own journey, what is the next best version of you and your best work?

Dig deep, reflect and source courage to pursue it.

Your own epic right fit clients are waiting to hear from you!

The newest members of the Love Your Business – Love Your Life Inner Circle start our journey together this October 2023.


Read all about it right here.

You’ll know straight away if this is for you.

Let me hear from you by September 15, 2023.
