When the value remains, long after the price is forgotten … THAT is when you know that you’ve invested in something that really matters to you and solves a problem that is standing in your way of living your best life and making your best impact.

Many years ago — after a breast cancer scare, the passing of both my father and my father-in-law, and some challenges with postpartum depression — my husband said, “You need to take time out and feel better. Let’s see where you can go to get rest, reflect and find some peace about all of this.”

We booked a stay for me at a very special resort spa.

At the time, it was a lot of money we didn’t have, but continuing along this very troubled path for a moment longer wasn’t serving us or our young family either.

All these many years later, I remember every moment of that very special trip.

I can’t remember what we invested to make it happen.

It doesn’t matter because it was just the medicine I needed to find a new perspective and a new gear to finally step up and show up in a whole new way for my family and for my clients. It was a game changer for me.

>>What if every product, program or service we brought to market to serve our ideal clients was packed with so much value that the price would soon be forgotten for the great results it delivered?

That’s a big idea.

I could not be more proud of the Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook.

So much value packed within … it’s the ultimate resource for speakers, experts, and authors who want their business bios to open new doors to podcasts, broadcasts,and other virtual platforms to raise their voices and make their best impact. Click here to read all about it and make your purchase.

The official launch is September 8, 2020, but why not share it just a little bit early with loyal readers of the blog like YOU?