In the excitement of creating what has become a pretty popular new tool that is earning fans from all over America and beyond, I tip my hat to Victoria Vinton, a talented graphic designer who worked with me to create a playful and engaging new front cover for the Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Guide.

Victoria listens well and injects a fair amount of both strategy and fun into her work, and the end result of this project from my perspective is right on target.

Victoria  is one of the resources I gladly recommend in “The N List” — which you can find across the top of the horizontal navigation of this blog.   Please connect with her if you need quality graphic design services that are accompanied by good humor and smart thinking.

Thanks to the dozens and dozens of advocates who are singing the praises of this new ebook.   I really appreciate it.  Please share your “after” bios so I can proudly post them as “Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Guide Success Stories” on the blog with your photo and a mention of your website.  And keep those cards and letters coming!