George Torok and I had a juicy conversation about making your bio brilliant for the kinds of opportunities you may be seeking — new clients, podcast interviews, or media opportunities.


How did we meet?

His podcast was served up to me via one of my favorite podcast matchmaking sites.

I responded right away with a winning approach, aced the pre-interview, and I got invited to do an official interview..

All this happened in less than a week.

Tune in and get the value from this interview.

Listen to hear how I made my approach to get booked so you can do something similar and get booked on more of the shows that are right for your message.

When you do, you welcome new leads, invite new opportunities to speak up on podcasts, get more consults on the calendar, and bring in more business.

If those are outcomes you want and you love to speak and share your brilliance with others, podcast guesting is a visibility strategy that warrants your close attention.

Go all in, and see how fast your star can rise when you do. If you need more know-how, ask me how the Broadcast Your Brilliance Boot Camp can meet the need.

My velvet boot of accountability and all my ninja strategies are delivered to you LIVE with heart and smarts so you are never hungry for an audience ever again.

It’s the best work I do, and I’d love to welcome you. Reach out if you have questions or want to talk about joining!
