It’s been really fun these last few days, connecting with very interesting experts who need a little help refining their bios to be ready for the media.   Larry Kaminer is already a successful business owner.  Now, he’s ready to invite even more media opportunities to showcase the value he can add to conversations about personal safety.  To follow is his new bio that helps to position him as an expert.   As Larry adds media credentials to his experience, he’ll update his bio to reflect them.

In his email to me this evening, Larry said it was worth every penny he spent to get his bio off the boring list for sure!

As you read the bio, notice that it addresses four key elements:  stunning results, a succinct story, a sassy sound bite, and enough social information to help you know, like and trust his expertise.   When you craft your bio, follow the same recipe to achieve winning results of your own.  And, of course, if you need a little help, the Extreme Bio Makeover service is just one click away.

Larry Kaminer
Personal Safety and Security Trainer, Consultant, Speaker,
and Expert to the Media

“Don’t wait to be on the receiving end of gunfire or to have a knife at your throat before you learn essential strategies and tactics that can save your life and the lives of people you care about.”

Saving Lives & Bringing Peace of Mind,
One Spell-Binding Presentation at a Time:

Larry Kaminer’s passion for saving lives – including his own — began one night as a teenager growing up in Johannesburg, South Africa. Pinned down by gunfire during an attempted home invasion, he struggled to think his way through the chaos of the moment as the bullets whistled by. In that instant, Larry resolved never again be caught off guard without a personal safety strategy.  Today, he is president of Personal Safety Group, based in Seattle, WA.

Larry’s Riveting, Memorable, and Practical Advice
Saves Lives & Inspires Change:

Today, Larry’s “man on the street, from-the-trenches, pull-no-punches” approach to teaching crime avoidance is what sets him apart and makes his message riveting, memorable, and practical. Believing that the mind is your best weapon, Larry teaches audiences to think like criminals, understand the victim selection process, and learn how to eliminate the elements that contribute to being an easy target.  These are lessons learned over three decades of travel in high threat environments in Southern Africa.

Since 2006, Larry and his team of experts, trainers, and consultants from the Army Special Forces, Naval Special Operations, SWAT and Executive Protection arenas have inspired thousands of people to craft personal safety strategies that have the potential to save lives all over the world. At the same time, he and his team bring priceless peace of mind to all who benefit from their compelling and empowering message.

What Larry knows for sure is that no matter how we make our ways in the world, we are all ultimately responsible for our own personal safety.

Audience members and meeting planners from leading Puget Sound corporations, non-profits, county governments, safety councils, and law enforcement training events rave about the impact Larry’s message brings to their audiences as personal security earns top-of-mind awareness and inspires new, life-saving behaviors.

Whether he is addressing relocating executives en route to new countries, college aged kids on their way to enjoy campus life, corporate employees or offering provocative media perspective in response to a breaking news story about personal safety, Larry’s commentary always packs a powerful punch for personal safety empowerment in perfect timing.