Last week, I had the opportunity to meet and work with Certified Image Master and Style Expert Marion Gellatly during a semi-private media one sheet makeover session. Marion’s aim is to book herself on the right podcasts to benefit from her message and also to drive leads, in-bound client inquiries, spin off speaking gigs, and sales to her boutique business.

Let’s talk about the “before” and “after” for Marion Gellatly’s media one sheet and highlight the differences. The green version is the “before” version.   The red, black and teal version is the “after” version.

The “before” version:

  • The headline — Discover the Joy & Power of Style — is a bit generic and doesn’t create a timely reason for a host to want to talk to her right now.
  • The free gift is missing.
  • The bio establishes Marion’s authority and time in the trenches. However, the words are more about her and selling her services as opposed to suggesting the kind of conversation that could take place with a podcast host to engage her listeners.
  • The suggested interview questions are OK, but not head turning.
  • The hot topics read like what other stylists might suggest. They don’t stand out as urgent to talk about right now.

Before and After Media One Sheet Transformation for Certified Image Master and Style Expert Marion Gellatly
















The “after” version:

  • Showcases Marion’s selected brand colors to reinforce her work as a certified image master and style expert;
  • Highlights a free gift that is likely to be head turning for hosts and their listeners;
  • Shares a timely headline packed with urgency and relevance for her target audience;
  • The bio establishes her authority and time in the trenches, while also sounding conversational and relatable;
  • The bio speaks to very real concerns her ideal audience may be struggling with and also speaks to the transformation that is well within their reach;
  • The suggested questions offer some intrigue and curiosity, while reinforcing results that matter to her ideal audience; and
  • The hot topics address questions women 50 and better may be asking themselves right now.  Hosts may be asking those same questions.

If you are looking for a top professional to support you in looking and feeling your best at 50 and better, please get in touch with Marion.

If you would like your own media one sheet to shine to make booking yourself on more of the right podcasts faster and easier, let me hear from you at I can schedule another semi-private media one sheet makeover session for four lucky participants.

Otherwise, you can enroll in the Broadcast Your Brilliance Boot Camp to be guided and held accountable to create your own winning media one sheet and master the skills to book yourself on top podcasts without hiring an expensive booking agency.

Clients book themselves on 4-12 of the right podcasts for their message — or something better — within 12 power-packed weeks, while engaging in a giving community of experts who open doors for each other as their stars and business results collectively rise.

This is such timely and empowering work.

If you never want to be hungry for an audience for your message ever again, make podcast guesting your favorite visibility strategy.

If you’d rather talk than type and broadcast your brilliance around town and around the nation or the world without leaving home, podcast guesting is going to be a game changer for you.

Before and After Media One Sheet Transformation for Certified Image Master and Style Expert Marion Gellatly