Lots of people have been asking me about press kits lately, so I read the 2007 Journalist Survey on Media Relations Practices report prepared by the Bulldog Reporter and TEK Group International with great interest.
The report revealed that journalists have difficulty finding organizations’ online newsrooms and struggle finding media contacts. They also complain that they can’t find press materials that address their interests and that finding background information about the organizations is difficult, too. The report also revealed that 78.9% of reporters say that the greatest change in the way they practice journalism due to Internet technology is that they can now research corporate and other news online 24 hours a day.
Clearly, if you don’t provide online access to this kind of information, you are missing a huge opportunity to be of service to those who report the news. How well does your company score on meeting these essential needs of the media so they can tell your story with accuracy and impact? If you don’t even have a press kit, it’s time to get into action, especially if you are serious about earning a consistent pattern of favorable publicity for your growing business over time.
I’ll be holding a Publici-Tea™ Half-Day Press Kit Workshop at my lovely Bellevue home on February 28, 2008 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. To assure plenty of time for personal attention, attendance is limited to six guests, and only four spaces remain. You’ll leave the workshop with working drafts of your own press kit so you can work with your webmaster after the fact to post the materials to your OWN online press room. The cost to participate is just $197. And, if you need more help refining your best effort materials, you can always rent my brain to get the extra help you need.
Give me a call at 425-641-5214 or send me an email at nancy@nsjmktg.com so we can confirm your registration.