You could have the most important message to share, but if the headline you use to introduce your message falls flat, your message doesn’t have a chance. In this month’s issue of Behind the Podium, a members-only newsletter for aspiring speakers from...
If you’ve self-published a book and want the world to know about it, check out this site. The copy at Selling Books reads, “Whether you are an aspiring writer, a multi-published author or an independent publisher, you have come to the right place. You will...
In the excitement of creating what has become a pretty popular new tool that is earning fans from all over America and beyond, I tip my hat to Victoria Vinton, a talented graphic designer who worked with me to create a playful and engaging new front cover for the...
What a fabulous group of aspiring authors I met at Patrick Snow’s Best Seller Publishing Institute, held last week on Bainbridge Island. Randy Broad, James Donaldson, Dr. Patricia Nan Anderson, Cody Hill, Alex Snyder, Gus and Jan Fernandez, Frank Reed, Cheryl...
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