What’s Your Claim to Fame?

If you’ve been running your business for any length of time, you likely have a good sense of the characteristics that describe your ideal client. I was asked this question during a web conference the other day and said that my best clients operate in the...

Small Business Marketing Secrets By Audio – Hurray!

If you missed the teleseminar on small business marketing secrets with Stacy Karacostas of www.success-stream.com, take heart.  We recorded the call, and you can listen in for free by tuning into this link: www.success-stream.com/tele_audio.htm. Stacy is...

Can You Really Have It All?

I like what Maria Shriver had to say about having it all. She said you can have it all, but not all at once. I think having it all is a matter of pacing and timing, and it can happen. Mastering the art of pacing can be a challenge. To me, having it all means I am...

New Link to Register for the Teleseminar on October 16

If you tried to sign up for the October 16 teleseminar with Stacy Karacostas and couldn’t finalize your registration, please try again with this NEW link: https://www.success-stream.com/teleseminar-registration.htm. During this one-hour teleseminar, I’ll...