If you are among the many who want to make a living doing what you LOVE, be sure to register to listen in to tonight’s preview call for the Boss 2010 Program for which I am a distinguished member of the faculty. We get started tonight with the first...
Tomorrow at 5 p.m. PST is the much anticipated teleclass with me interviewing Small Business Marketing Coach James Roche. The Topic: The Entrepreneur’s Path: 4 Steps You Need to Stop Spinning, Get Clear on Where You Are and Discover Exactly What You Need to...
On October 20, I am holding a free event in Bellevue, WA at Friends Philosophy & Tea in the theme of Halloween. It’s called: Boo! Scare Away Boring Bios to Welcome More Treats in Your Business. If you would like to attend and bring...
Lots of people are interested in the 10-12 teleclass with Small Business Coach James Roche. If you have not yet registered, here is the link to make that easy. And, questions are coming my way about how specifically James has helped me grow my...
Yesterday the press release about Bye-Bye Boring Bio traveled far and wide, and my webmaster wasted no time capturing “screen captures” of those prestigious media logos that carried the news. We’ll be posting these images to my online press room and...
Today is the day that news about the debut of the 2nd edition of Bye-Bye Boring Bio is traveling far and wide, thanks to a Guaranteed Press Release sent over the wire this morning. Already the news has showed up on sites for CNBC.com, NPR, USA...
When the press release I crafted for the Dot Girl First Period Kit a week ago landed on CNBC and USA Today Toronto, I became a believer in Dan Janal’s Guaranteed Press Release service in short order. And the press release to announce the debut of the 2nd...
Tomorrow is Labor Day, and the news is packed with stories of people seeking work and wishing for better days to come sooner versus later. These stories move me deeply. So many people want to start up businesses of their own right now, but also find...
Have you yet made your reservations to benefit from ThinkBizNW? Conference organizers tell me that 150 people are already confirmed, and they are expecting a flurry of last minute registrants. I hope you are among them. I am honored to be the breakfast keynote...
“Go Giver” and Best-selling author, speaker, and workshop leader Bob “Endless Referrals” Burg is coming to the Pacific Northwest in September. When the opportunity strikes to see someone who is well known for exceeding audience...
Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook is now Available!
It’s the ultimate guide for experts, speakers and authors to transform their boring bios from wallpaper to wow to attract connections, clients and cash now.
Grab your FREE Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook Preview
to get media savvy, media ready and on message to
WOW hosts every time you take the microphone.