Announcing the Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Workshop

People tell me that they struggle writing or talking about themselves.  They need “rock star” bios, but going it alone isn’t working for them.   Guess what?  Problem solved! Today I debut the Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Guide...

Want to Join Me at SHINE in Las Vegas?

In May of this year, I attended the Oprah Live Your Best Life event in New York City, and it was a dream come true trip for me.   Traveling solo, I ventured to the Big Apple to meet 5,000 of my new best friends.  The experience did not disappoint, and I...

Make $150,000 From Your Book Before It’s Published

Do you realize that the moment you decide to write a book, you can begin to leverage that fact to attract new clients and revenue?   You can learn how from my highly-acclaimed teleseminar guest John Eggen. In fact, his methods to do it cost little or...