Thanks Dan Janal for a great chat about building a business based on a workbook that has changed thousands of lives over the last ten years. It’s amazing what a gal can accomplish by taking a dare from a friend, while solving a specific problem for a specific...
BELLINGHAM, Wash., June 26, 2020 — Speakers, experts and authors who once relied on live, in-person events to make money have had to pivot quickly to bring their messages online because of the limitations brought on by the COVID 19 Pandemic. That’s why Bye-Bye...
Have you joined the millions of people who are binge-watching the new Netflix TV show starring Professional Organizer and New York Times Best-Selling Author Marie Kondo? If you haven’t yet heard of her, she’s a powerful advocate for the life-changing magic of tidying...
So you’ve worked for months (or longer) to create your next book to elevate your expert status and boost your authority factor. Now it’s time to have the front cover designed. My husband Steve and his team of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professionals just...
The co-founders of Life Goes on Roadmap™ today announce that their system for personal financial information organization is available for licensing by financial advisers who seek to support their clients in getting their financial information and documents...
Today’s ezine is packed with powerful lessons around the beauty and impact of the bundle. Read all the juicy details here. Get your power bundle ready for the New Year, and watch your business take flight in welcome ways.
Here is an article I wrote with some of my most powerful lessons learned along my information product journey. I hope you enjoy it. The Girlfriend’s Guide to Making a Living with Information Products: Real Life Versus the Fairy Tale 1) When the...
This is my friend Tom Buford. I’ll be interviewing him this Wednesday, August 1 about how to create your information product in a weekend. This is one of those not to miss calls, especially if creating info products is high on YOUR priority list:...
Yesterday I gave a no holds barred presentation at the Ladies Who Launch Global Conference in Seattle. My topic? The Girlfriend’s Guide to Making a Living with Information Products: Real Life Versus the Fairy Tale. There was plenty of authentic sharing...
If you missed last night’s content-rich audio content sharing by Small Business Marketing Coach James Roche, here are among the message highlights he shared. James spoke about the big elephant in the room that stands between business owners and the results they...
Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook is now Available!
It’s the ultimate guide for experts, speakers and authors to transform their boring bios from wallpaper to wow to attract connections, clients and cash now.
Grab your FREE Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook Preview
to get media savvy, media ready and on message to
WOW hosts every time you take the microphone.