I’ve been stepping into what it is to be authentic and visible, in spite of and because of my foibles and missing pieces. That is what authentic visibility is all about. And if I can’t live that brand, then I am an imposter. Being an imposter is not...
You need a message that excites you and causes your ideal clients to pay attention to what you offer. And, I’ve been hearing from people around the world who want bio wow now, but they are struggling with scheduling or dollars. Here is the GREAT news. You...
Is your brand in great shape to rock your business and attract the perfect engagements for you to bring your magic to the marketplace? If not, take my advice and check out Maria Ross’ new book, “Branding for Small Business: How to Create an Irresistible...
What fun it is to share tips to avoid boring bios on radio shows well beyond my own Bellevue, WA backyard. Click on the play button below: [audio:/images/10-22-nancy-juetten-bbbbag3.mp3] This will give you immediate access to my interview with WILS-AM 1320 in...
This blog is about DIY publicity. However, publicity combined with other ingredients can create a powerful success recipe for whatever you have brewing in your business. Help a Reporter Out is a fabulous and free media query service created by Peter Shankman that now...
Maria Marsala, founder of Elevating Your Business, tuned into the recent PitchRate Happy Hour interview with Michelle Tennant and me to learn how to say “bye-bye” to her boring bio and “hello” to something much better. She also attended the...
Sheila Lukins (1942 – 2009), author of the landmark Silver Palate Cookbook, passed away recently. In a tribute in today’s Parade magazine, we learn a great deal about her life in one column of well-worded text. Stunning Results: With her flair for...
Special thanks to Amber Singleton Reviere of Upstart Smart and the Brown Bug Project for sharing useful tips and examples with her followers about how to kick their boring bios to the curb with a little help from yours truly. Listen, read, and enjoy. Most...
Here are convenient links so you can listen to my radio interview with Paul Casey that offers the four keys to turn your boring bio into a winner fast. I also share what guests can expect at the 9-16, 10-16, and 11-6 Publici-Tea™ Express Workshops coming to Seattle...
Here are the details for a PR Happy Hour with me and Drew Gerber of Wasabi Publicity. I’ll be talking you through the steps to turn your bio from “boilerplate” to “really great” so you can attract more of the right publicity and business...
Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook is now Available!
It’s the ultimate guide for experts, speakers and authors to transform their boring bios from wallpaper to wow to attract connections, clients and cash now.
Grab your FREE Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook Preview
to get media savvy, media ready and on message to
WOW hosts every time you take the microphone.