Zookhooks Gets ANOTHER Story in Hometown Newspaper

I am a big fan of inviting interest in your evolving business success story in your community newspaper. First of all, getting seen, heard, and celebrated in your own backyard is thrilling. Second of all, your neighbors and friends are most likely to support you. And,...

Zook Hooks Inc. Starts Earning the Ink

We started our holiday gift guide pitching campaign for the Zook Hook purse hangers a few weeks ago, and the media placements are starting to come through. In addition to earning placements in several blogs which you can view at this link and this one, too —...

BizNik Article Placement Brings About Invitation from London

You never know how far your articles will travel or the impact they can have on others until you start posting at Biznik and other online avenues such as www.ezinearticles.  Just yesterday, I received a compliment from a new content site based in London, England...

Reading in the Hot Tub? You Bet! Thank You Better.TV

Temperatures are rising all over the nation, giving people everywhere good reason to head for the pool, the hot tub, or the beach to relax and enjoy. Steve Greenberg, the author of Gadget Nation, was so taken with the Aqua Reader from the e-store at Olympic Hot Tub...