Got a Solution to Beat the Heat? Share it with the Media

The Seattle region has been experiencing a powerful heat wave, and temperatures have escalated to the 100’s for days at a time.   Hats off to local companies that found ways to earn media attention for helping others beat the heat. Castle Ice in...

New Tech Pub Offers Media Opportunies at the PSBJ and the Seattle PI

This blog post comes to you from my trusty team member Sharon Baker, and its a good one. She writes: Enterprising do-it-yourselfers playing in the technology arena will want to take note of a surprising change at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Microsoft reporter Todd...

Reading in the Hot Tub? You Bet! Thank You Better.TV

Temperatures are rising all over the nation, giving people everywhere good reason to head for the pool, the hot tub, or the beach to relax and enjoy. Steve Greenberg, the author of Gadget Nation, was so taken with the Aqua Reader from the e-store at Olympic Hot Tub...

A Targeted Pitch Delivers Just About Every Time.

I love that my clients are ideally suited to be featured in the magazines I love to read. There was a time a few years ago when I was reading trade journals like Disaster Recovery Today to source media opportunities for a very fine client. Of course, I did a fine job...