If you want to attract media attention, prepare for interviews, learn how to write press releases and pitch letters the media can’t resist, and have step-by-step guidance to show you the HOW and the WOW, here is GREAT news. This new workbook shows you the way. And...
Just a quick reminder that tomorrow, 2-29 at midnight is the deadline to enjoy either Bye-Bye Boring Bio PLUS! at the special 11-year anniversary special of $11 off or to save your place in the May 2 session of the Broadcast Your Brilliance Webinar Series at the $497...
Last week, I heard from Clark Roberts, who successfully earned a fabulous story in the Bellevue Reporter as a direct result of lessons I taught him that he put into immediate action to the benefit of his speaking career and his upcoming personal appearances. He is...
What a great call this morning. Thanks to everyone who tuned in. Here is access to the audio file so you can benefit wherever you are in the world. Something unexpected happened during this call that ended up being a great gift to me and a great credibility builder...
If you need to attract clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews now and have nagging doubts about how well your story reads and want some help, here is an opportunity not to be missed — especially if your checkbook balance is sagging a bit, as well. If you...
Just a quick reminder that the $10 Savings Coupon to enjoy Bye-Bye Boring Bio, the Publici-Tea™ and Book Publishing E-Summit, or Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Workshop expires at midnight, Sunday, 1-16-11. If you know your bio needs work and it is time to bring in the...
Anniversaries are cause to look back and reflect, and here is a fun story with a happy ending that can help YOU. My journey to become a storyteller got a powerful jump-start when I enrolled in an Introduction to Public Relations course at UC San Diego back in 1983. ...
When writing headlines, have some fun to capture attention. That’s why today’s blog post is bursting with B’s. Why wimp out with boring and blah, blah, blah when bursting with enthusiasm is the better alternative? With that as an introduction and a timely DIY...
Here is a very public “Thank You” to Publicity Hound Joan Stewart for showcasing the lessons in the Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Guide on her blog and linking to this post via her Publicity Hound ezine today. It’s my pleasure to extend the anniversary...
(Bellevue, WA – March 1, 2010) – In what the Wall Street Journal describes as today’s “ago of going solo,” independent professionals and publicity seekers are attempting to declare their expertise so the right people will listen and act. To support that quest,...
Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook is now Available!
It’s the ultimate guide for experts, speakers and authors to transform their boring bios from wallpaper to wow to attract connections, clients and cash now.
Grab your FREE Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook Preview
to get media savvy, media ready and on message to
WOW hosts every time you take the microphone.