Clients ask me time and time again what actually happens with their visibility, credibility, and profitability when they issue press releases. Many good things often happen, and here is a partial list of what can and often does happen for those who are serious about getting known through the power of good press in the traditional or online media.

Even if it has been a long time since you actually held a real newspaper in your hands, do not underestimate the value of having your expertise showcased online. It makes it easier for your ideal prospective clients to find you and decide at first glance that you truly are the right expert to engage to solve their urgent problems.

Note: All Images are Clickable to Make It Easy to Read or Watch the Press Releases.

  • Clients who feel invisible to their ideal clients appreciate the visibility and credibility they welcome when their expertise is more easily found in a Google or other internet search engine investigation. The transformation from invisible to visible feels really empowering to experts who for one reason or another have been hiding out in obscurity for way too long.
  • Sometimes, one media placement invites others to fan the flames of visibility to create a firestorm of interest in the expert being featured.  For example, remember when the PBS series “Downton Abbey” was at the height of popularity? My husband — Bellevue, WA Certified Financial Planner Professional Steve Juetten —  and I crafted a press release about the financial lessons inspired from the halls of Downton Abbey. That press release  opened the door for follow up media placements on the PBS blog,,, and many other prestigious media outlets. This effort resulted in excellent and prestigious visibility and it also delivered 300 new opt in subscribers who were interested in the Smart Money Rules gift booklet he was offering at that time in exchange for their name and email address.  Steve says a number of those new opt in subscribers subsequently decided to invest in his personal financial planning and investment management services.


  • When using prREACH – a video news release service that is part of a Press Release Pizzazz done-for-you service I offer, placement reports demonstrate that 370 or more outlets run the news as presented. That is a lot of potential “eye balls” of potential clients who can make the wise choice to take the call to action noted within each release to learn more.
  • Often experts will welcome speaking gigs and invitations to contribute commentary to podcasts, teleseminars, and other high profile opportunities to share their expertise with more of their ideal clients. For example, Sara Harvey Yao — an expert on executive leadership and presence — took advantage of the epic win of the Seattle Seahawks in a championship game to bring her expertise to the top of the search engines fast.  When she shared the media coverage that resulted from this effort with her most important client, she was booked for two paid speaking engagements almost immediately.


  • New Author Dr. Susan O’Malley was excited to share her new book with the world, yet her own author platform had not yet grown to a size where an email to her list would make a lot of noise. She took the opportunity to debut her book about working hard for success around the St. Patrick’s Day holiday to make her point that success is not to be left to chance.  The visibility came at the perfect time to draw attention to a book signing event in her home town of Connecticut.  And the “cool quotient” associated with the video news release also made it easy and fast to share the good news across social media.

Dr Susan Video News Release

  • The World’s Leading Relationship with Money Coach Morgana Rae reached out to get press for her expertise. One of the most amusing results of that effort was that Siri — the voice of the i-phone — returns her website as the result when you ask “Who is the world’s leading relationship with money coach?” It’s hard to quantify the value of that, but when it is you who is showcased by Siri, you’ll immediately feel the impact.

Morgana Rae

  • Christine Kloser has seen fit to use press releases to promote the Transformational Author Experience.  Here is the release from the 2013 event.  The media placements earned as a direct result of this are now proudly posted to the home page for the 5th annual event.
  • Media logos from placements can be showcased visually as demonstrated by this image of yours truly. As a Facebook profile image, this clearly sets my profile apart in a credible way that reinforces my “media savvy” expertise.

Nancy Juetten

  • Clearly, my husband  of 28 years Steve is my longest standing client. I am a huge champion for his success.
  • In his business, the use of testimonials and the sharing of commissions is not allowed by the Certified Financial Planner code of ethics.  His is running a business that is based squarely on trust, and building his credibility in a clean and ethical manner has always been a high priority.
  • Since potential clients will search for someone with his expertise using key words such as “Bellevue, WA Fee-Only Financial Planner” or “Certified Financial Planner Professional, Bellevue, WA,” Steve has made a point of emphasizing those words on the “home page” of his website and on blog posts he writes.  And, he also knows clients serious about engaging his expertise will often do an internet search of his first and last name to learn more about him.  
  • Since he has been issuing press releases and commenting to the media about financial planning topics for years, the credibility around his expertise is very solid.  One article that ran in the Seattle Times years ago still comes up quickly in an internet search for Steve’s name because he is quoted by offering stellar advice.  Time and time again, clients say, “I read your comments in the Seattle Times article, and that helped me know that you were the adviser I wanted to meet with.” 
  • Once Steve meets with the clients, his listening skills and gifts at enrolling clients to his services take center stage. 
  • In the internet marketing world, some experts elect to use press releases to reach potential clients who have not yet become part of their email subscriber communities.  While this does not contribute significantly to a huge wave of new opt in subscribers in my experience, it DOES contribute a “cool quotient” and additional credibility around their expertise. For experts who have achieved a measure of meaningful success, the recognition associated with being seen in this way is hard to calculate and meaningful at a very personal level.   The email notes of appreciation I have received time and time again reinforce how very true this is. While some people say business is business, experts who have worked long and hard for their success consider GETTING PRESS very personal.
  • Some clients are reluctant to take center stage for whatever reason and don’t want to put themselves on video.  The advantage of a video news release is that the expert’s perspectives and call to action can be highlighted, while an attractive news reader delivers the information.
  • People learn in different ways. Video engages people with sight and sound, enhancing the likelihood that the message will be received and ignite some action. Video is highly relevant in today’s video crazed, “let me watch it on my i-phone” culture.

These are just the tip-of-the-iceberg results that can unfold when experts, authors, consultants, and speakers make an ongoing use of press releases — video or traditional — to build buzz about their expertise and invite visibility, credibility, and — of course — profitability.

I’ll be speaking more about press releases and the potholes to avoid during an interview Tuesday, May 26 at 10 a.m. Pacific. Join me and Christine Kloser of the 2015 Transformational Author Experience to listen in and benefit. The replay will be made available for 24 hours without fee.

Nancy Juetten