shineWith over 500 BizNik members and friends already registered to attend the May 6 SHINE event and just 260 interview spots available, it’s going to be an exciting and potentially inspiring evening of small business storytelling.

SHINE is a video event that is bringing independent business people together so their stories can be told over the social networks like BizNik and other ways that participating members bring to light.  Since social networking and YouTube are the rage these days, the avenues to share one’s message are limitless. If you are attending SHINE and plan to sit for one of the brief 5-10 minute interviews, by all means, be prepared with your three key messages.  And practice ahead of time.  Think about the three things you most want your ideal customers to know about you and your business.  This isn’t about selling.  It’s about telling and saying something that makes an authentic connection.

Since competition for interview spots is likely to be fierce, even among Gold BizNik members such as myself, I’ve been thinking about what my key points are so I will be ready when the camera is ready to roll. Five to ten minutes of tape rolls way too fast.

  • Hi, I’m Nancy Juetten.  I’m a publicity expert, Publici-Tea™ trainer, and a do-it-yourself publicity blogger at
  • What lights me up about what I do is the magnitude of gratitude my clients share with me for getting their moment in the media spotlight with my help.
  • It’s not easy to start, sustain, and grow a business.  We all make sacrifices along the way, and there are days that we wonder and worry if the journey is worth it.  When my clients are seen, heard, and celebrated for their contributions to the marketplace and the world, it’s deeply personal for them. It’s also public validation that the path they have chosen and the impact they have made have been worthy of the sacrifice.shadow
  • As for me, when my 11-year-old son Kyle proudly introduces me to his buddies as the president of her own PR company… Well, it doesn’t get much better than that.

If you want to participate in SHINE, be sure to click on the active BizNik link above to learn all the details.  And be sure to track back to three excellent blog posts about media skills training from Lorraine Howell, Lynn Espinoza, and Susan Harrow.  These are leading experts who can guide you to media interview success.  See you on May 6.