Join me and Tshombe Brown by free teleclass today at 3 p.m. PST as we talk about how to turn a boilerplate, boring, and bland bio into one that is memorable, magnificent and remarkable. I’ll even be doing two live Extreme Bio Makeovers during the call for two callers who were bold enough to send in their bios for my review. Visit this link to sign up for the free Sales Success Series call and chime in at 3 p.m. today. You’ll learn a lot so you can tell your own story well. In today’s age of going solo, the timing and relevance for this message could not be more perfect.
By the way, if you are a member of an organization that would like to bring this teleclass to your members, let’s set something up. My dream teleclass situation is to have at least 100 people on each call who are genuinely serious about writing rock star bios so they can open more doors to the right opportunities now. If you are the leader of such a tribe, let’s chat. Call me at 425-641-5214 (PST) or send email to
Notice that I offer the phone number first? Isn’t that refreshing?