I’ve long desired to incorporate cause related marketing into my business model. Having endured a health challenge in 2022 and come out victorious, I made the decision to take action to make this a reality in October of 2023.

I decided to offer one of my best opt in gifts as a REWARD to thank donors for giving $5 to my favorite non-profit organization — The 4th Angel Peer to Peer Mentoring Program at The Cleveland Clinic.  The offer debuted in October to coincide with Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

I  prefer to give to a cause that is close to my heart with the support of those who value my work than to offer the product for sale at a discount.

In my business, doing business and doing good are both important.

By sharing the invitation to contribute across my social media, my Facebook group, my ezine subscribers — and with the support of some champions, advocates and joint venture partners, word got out.

For October 2023, one donor gave $100 direct to the cause, and $140 came in from those who said yes to making a $5 donation.

This effort was a good start to make sure the shopping cart was working properly, gifts were being delivered in a timely manner, and systems were set up to track efforts and results.

In the online marketing space, we’ve been taught to expect to receive gifts for free.

Our subscribers have been trained to expect that, too..

Asking folks who have perhaps never met you before to donate $5 to a cause that may be unfamiliar to them or not relevant to them may be asking for a lot at first glance.

Here’s a bright spot.

We noticed that while the number of visits to the donation page were much reduced as compared to what happens when a gift is offered for free, the “take rate” on the offer was respectable.

Forty-two percent of those who landed on the page clicked through to make a $5 donation.

Since the gift I elected to offer is one that was already proven to be popular with joint venture partner referred traffic and my own efforts, it could be that some potential donors prior found another way to access the media one sheet gift for free..

Since the pandemic came to call, the media one sheet gift template has welcomed 3431 visits and 1978 downloads for a conversion rate of 57.7 percent.

That’s why today I made a pivot.

I asked myself, “What is a product in my shopping cart that has welcomed consistently rave reviews for a very long time and that has a price point of at least $97?”

The answer?

The Bye-Bye Boring Bio eWorkbook!

This product has been the magic carpet I have ridden since 2009 to get known as an expert and build out my business to include group leveraged programs and one-on-one work that also earn rave reviews.

The workbook sells from my website and at  Amazon for $97, having earned raves from happy users and influencers around the world.

Well recognized “movers and shakers” including Patricia Fripp, Nancy Marmolejo, and Damon Burton, among many others rave about the value,

“If you need to position yourself ahead of your competition, you need Nancy Juetten’s practical, easy to adapt, high impact advice.”
Patricia Fripp

Past President, National Speakers Association, Fripp.com

“Nancy Juetten has created a wonderful resource for writing an effective bio so you can speak up and share your message virtually. Your new bio will impress your followers and intrigue them so they will want to know more about you. This is definitely a ‘must buy’ workbook I highly recommend.”

Nancy Marmolejo


“… My intro to Nancy and her Bye-Bye Boring Bio is relatively new, but I already know she’s the real deal because I’ve lived through what she teaches. What that is is kind of funny. It’s the fact that I’ve accomplished a 7-figure marketing agency without spending a dollar on marketing. I found success through the very methods that Nancy teaches, which was exciting to meet her through podcasting and to know someone is out there teaching these things that I’ve learned. By bringing transparency to your audience and clarity in your message, that is how you get ahead. By clearly and consistently communicating your area of experience in your bios online – now the key is consistently – you have a 24/7 open for business light on to attract sales and leads. It’s super cool to now know someone like Nancy to help you cut the learning curve. She’s one of the good guys bringing actionable advice to you.”

Damon Burton

Forbes.com contributor, President of SEO National, SeoNational.com and Author of the #1 Amazon Best Selling Book Outrank

Today I decided to revise my cause related initiative to invite donors to give $27 for the cause in order to receive the Bye-Bye Boring Bio eWorkbook as their reward.

I landed on the $27 donation amount because when the very first edition of the workbook debuted in 2009, that is the price I charged for it.

Two editions later (2009, 2010 and 2020), this resource has transformed into a comprehensive training guide packed with proven systems, templates, examples, audio and video trainings, and more to empower any user to transform a boring bio into one that attracts speaking gigs, podcast guest spots, and clients from wallpaper to wow to attract clients now.

This video created by Ghost CEO Founder Christopher Flett is among the most powerful editorial reviews of this product I have ever received.

That’s why I can say without hesitation that the value each donor receives for a $27 donation to my favorite cause is high in relationship to the donation amount, and the practical applications to support success are abundant.

There are only two ways to access this $27 offer for this proven and powerful resource.

One is to download the 6 Questions special report.

When you do, you’ll be guided to answer all six questions so every move you make pays off while kicking cringe-worthy actions to the curb.

The second day delay auto responder invites subscribers to make a donation to receive this valuable gift.  In the early going, this page is converting from click to lead at 52.2%.

The other option is to visit this link to the donation page.

Now, when I confer with joint venture partners about free gift swaps we can do to support each other in refreshing our flow of new leads into our respective ecosystems, I can offer the 6 Questions Special Report to serve that purpose and know that on the second day of the follow up sequence, I’ll be serving up this “give to get” offer to benefit a cause near and dear to my heart.

The invitation is relevant and congruent to the work I do as a podcast guesting success expert and as the leader of the Love Your Business – Love Your Life Inner Circle.

I’d be deeply honored if you felt called to give a little to my favorite cause and receive a valuable gift of the Bye-Bye Boring Bio eWorkbook — especially if you secretly wonder if your bio, media one sheet or other way of showing up is lackluster and not blockbuster.

What I suspect will happen is that those who share a similar value of giving back and making a difference will be inspired to make a $27 donation in order to receive a tool that has great value.

I have a good feeling that those values-aligned new people who join my ecosystem with their donation will be more inclined to do business with me in deeper ways.

Those are the kind of people I love to work with most.

In the online marketing world, there is so much emphasis placed on growing your list in a big way.

I think another question to ponder is this one:

> Do you want to attract thousands of freebie seekers who may never buy anything or do you want to attract engaged and convicted clients who are inspired to make some good happen in their lives and in the world, sooner versus later?

The quantity versus quality question is a good one to answer for yourself.

Having come through a breast cancer diagnosis, treatment and recovery, I am keenly aware that tomorrow is not a promise.

I want to do my best work in the HERE AND NOW, and not someday.

If we say that giving back to causes that are close to our heart is important, it feels good to find a way to bake that into your business as you walk your talk.

That’s what I’m doing, and it feels great.

I welcome your comments to this post and thank you in advance for giving my “give to get” invitation your enthusiastic consideration and support.

Bye-Bye Boring Bio. Hello Opportunity.