Have you ever created a product, program, or service that you just KNEW could make a huge difference in the world … if only the right people could find out about it?

It takes time, effort, toil, trouble, and passion to create a way to serve.  I know because I have done my time in the creation trenches and I know how PERSONAL it is to go to market with an offer uniquely my own.

Nancy and Products without Speak More No Price and No Speak MoreAnd, I’ve had some disappointments along the journey.  Last June, I was debuting my Get Known to Get Paid Success System to the world.  I enlisted the support of five amazing and influential Joint Venture partners to support me.  I worked like a dog to create compelling and inviting emails to make it easy for my partners to promote me.  I worked closely with a virtual assistant to make sure all the emails were set up correctly and that all the links worked and tracked properly.  There were so many details to attend to, and we did everything we could to attend to each one of them to achieve success.

It was a bit like planning a Thanksgiving dinner and hoping that all the dishes would come out in perfect timing to create the perfect result.

And, then, when it was time to launch, it seemed that everything that could go wrong did.

== Traffic to my site escalated so quickly that my host dropped me because of the excessive traffic.

== One of my partners sent an eblast to a five-figure list and did something “special” with my link that caused all the traffic to end up in cyberspace instead of direct to my opt in page.

== We had to scramble at the 11th hour to create a work-around solution to save the day.

== And these were just a few of the major glitches that tested my resolve and commitment.  

== After doing “The Ugly Cry” for being in a situation that was not at all what I had intended, I pulled myself together the best I could.  And, when I found the courage to ask my partners and my technology team to support me, they did.  While my results from that launch were not nearly as stellar as they might have been had everything gone according to plan, the true colors of those I counted on for support were as brilliant as ever.

Why do I tell you this?   Well, because you remember what it feels like to get support when you most need it far more than when everything goes well. 

rich-milana-2013-C2So, earlier this week, when Milana Leshinsky and Rich German were delivering their Instant Client Formula webinar live event in service to 9200 people who signed up, I tuned in to show my support.  And when they were having difficulty with their slides due to a technical difficulty caused by their teleseminar company at the worst possible time, my heart just ached for them.

And immediately, I thought — “What can I do to support them now?”  

Just imagine.  What if you invited 9200 people to a big event and some “Act of God” prevented folks from getting to your party?  It would be hugely disappointing because it takes a tremendous effort to invite that interest in the first place.  And what can happen for those who get the chance to hear the message can be powerful for business growth, big results, and so much more.

So, I decided to lend even more support, send encouraging notes, and intend for their ENCORE to be flawless.  That is what it means to be a partner.

When you are doing big things, it’s impossible to go it alone.  You have to ask for and receive support.  And you need to deliver that support when it is needed most because it is the right thing to do.  And because it feels GREAT to do it.

My business would not be as successful as it is today without the support of friends, colleagues, co-collaborators, clients, joint venture partners, and angels in the outfield who saw brilliance in what I had to offer and extended a “hand up” to support my success in the perfect timing to encourage me to keep moving forward.

As you consider how you can lend support to those in your world, I hope you will take your support to the finish line for your people when it matters most.  Regardless of the outcome, your efforts will be long remembered because you put the relationship first before your own needs.  And that is the kind of thing that makes a world of difference that sets you apart in a way that makes everyone glad to have YOU in their corner.

The reach, impact, influence and future potential income you can welcome for your own amazing products, services and programs will one day benefit from how you show up to serve others.  That has been my experience, and I wish the same for you.

If you enjoyed this post, you will love this one, too. It’s about “going to the mattresses” to make big impact for a partner for entirely different reasons.


If you didn’t catch Rich and Milana’s BIG webinar, here’s the recording – it goes down in 48 hours!

==> Instant Clients Formula: CLICK HERE FOR REPLAY

Make sure to watch it ASAP – it’ll only be available until Monday!

On the webinar they shared priceless information on how you can tap into the power of joint ventures to grow your business exponentially, build a massive mailing list, and position yourself as the top expert in your niche market!

In addition to a ton of great content, they revealed the details and invited you to join their private
community, the JV Insider Circle. Check out the replay to learn all about the program and also the $7000+ worth of free bonuses they are offering. Or, if you’re ready to join now, here’s the link:

==> Watch the webinar replay now


Oh yes. In addition, I am going to give you something else to make it a real no-brainer for you to join. The Get Known to Get Paid Success System! It is your Bonus $997 Value for Taking Fast Action!!!!

Everything you need to know AND DO to say bye-bye to your boring bio, name and claim your niche, build big buzz, and become a Rock Star JV partner, EVEN if you are just starting out is within. You’ll receive it within days of your JVIC membership confirmation.