increase power bannerI am honored to be among the experts guests to contribute to Tammy Redmon’s “Increase Your Power Today” teleseminar series.    My talk on saying “Bye-Bye to Your Boring Bio and Why You Should” always packs a punch for useful tips and insights to help you tell your story so the right people will listen.   Mark your calendar for Thursday, March 11 at 5 p.m. PST.

And, here is a sassy offer for you.  Are you feeling brave and ready to get a better bio sooner versus later?   Sign up for the call and send me an email that you want me to workshop your bio during the call.   Send your best effort draft to me by email at so I receive it no later than Tuesday, March 9 with a link to your website or blog so I can learn more about you.

I’ll check out your site and be prepared to offer some great suggestions to make your bio even better during this call.  That’s some high value consulting that most people pay a good fee to enjoy.  You’ll get it free when you sign up and send your bio my way.

Remember, I must receive your best draft bio by Tuesday, March 9 with a link to your website in order for me to give your Extreme Bio Makeover my priority consideration.   Be the first the submit to secure your place.  Step up.  Be bold.  That’s a big part of increasing your power, so why not do it today?

Thanks Tammy Redmon for putting together this expert packed, free teleseminar series to guide success seeking folks to increase their power in life and business.    It’s all coming together in perfect timing.