None of us succeeds alone.

That’s why collaborating with partners who serve a similar niche audience without competing with our core offerings can add powerful fuel to the growth of an online business.

With more 10+ years in the joint venture partnership trenches, I’ve learned a thing or two about how to win in this arena.

Being clear about what a great partnership looks like is a great first step to take.

Here are two examples to get you thinking as you put into words the value can bring to a collaboration, proof you can offer around your claims, and links to make it easy for partners to learn more and engage.

The first is my Partner with Nancy page on my website that has over the years inspired quite a few other influential partners to create a page just like it.

The second is a flyer I can take with me to live events (or share digitally) so potential partners can quickly scan the content and know straight away if we are a match.

Here is an example: JV with Nancy Juetten – JVX 2023 – September 13 2023 

Model either or both approaches as you nail down what a brilliant partnership can look like in your business.

Then, start reaching out to potential co-collaborators to explore how you can support each other.

Just this morning, I came upon a bright idea i am excited to share with podcast hosts.

The number of guests a top host can welcome is limited. That means that hosts or producers are going to be saying NO a fair amount.

What if as hosts said NO, they also suggested a solution to support guests whose approach needs some work to get the help they need?

When hosts say, “No Thank You. You are not quite ready for my show”  they can also say, “I’d love to support you in getting that problem solved. Click on this link to lean about a done for you media one sheet service that will make sure future introductions/pitches are on the money and your skills in making the approach are world-class.”

The link can be an affiliate link that points to my service. Hosts earn “mailbox money” for every sale they refer.  Everyone wins!

If you are a podcast host looking for a gracious way to say NO to guests who are not yet a fit for your program, let me hear from you so we can set this up!

I promise to make this easy for you so you can set it up once and profit indefinitely.

I’ll be attending JVX Live in Las Vegas October 6 – 8, 2023.  I’d love to meet you in person.

Click here to learn more about the event and snag your ticket.