Larry Kaminer Personal Safety Group Founder and President Larry Kaminer is a man on a mission to empower others to stay safe when gun shots are fired.

He and I worked together to craft a press release about a “Gun Shots Fired on Campus” training event he has planned for April 22 in Seattle for college-aged kids and their parents.

Larry said the TV interview came about as a result of him emailing the press release to a reporter he knew at KCPQ TV Fox.  He sent it out on Friday and mentioned the press release was going out over the PRWeb on Monday.  The station called and asked if they could have the interview before everyone else got the release.  Getting first crack at a local story is always a compelling benefit.

Larry’s personal approach and the news release compelled the news team at KCPQ TV 13 to create a broadcast story, and you can see it here.  You can also read about the details of the FREE training workshop at the PRWeb release you’ll find here.

Larry reports that the PRWeb system is easy to use and well worth the fee to get the word out.  He said, “All sorts of other websites that I don’t recognize have picked up the release and posted it.  I am really keen to use PRWeb again soon.”

How did all this happen?  Well, Larry rented my PR brain for one hour to share the details of his event and have me write the press release for him.  I advised him to post the release to PRWeb.  I also suggested he post his event for $19.95 to Full Calendar — a  very efficient event promotion service that is also quite affordable.  And, it’s always a good idea to target your news to a specific media outlet that is a perfect target for your message.

Now, one of the local TV stations in his Seattle backyard is promoting his free public safety workshop.  And, that broadcast clip will be a persuasive future marketing tool to help Larry advocate for his other training programs that keep people safe.

I won’t be the least bit surprised when the event fills to capacity as other local news outlets follow suit.  What would be an even more compelling outcome will be when corporations learn more about the corporate training Larry’s company provides to help keep employees safe when they travel or navigate dark parking lots alone.

The company’s new 90-minute webinar entitled, “Gunman in the Building” debuts April 7, 2010 and is available for purchase and licensing agreements. To learn more and bring this life-saving content to your company, call Larry Kaminer at and visit