Here’s a link to a good post on this topic from my colleague Melanie Rembrandt from the latest issue of Pink magazine. This link also points you to some useful DIY publicity resources that thousands of publicity seeking business owners worldwide are applying to...
The Publici-Tea™ Express “Live” Event in Tacoma last month was such a hit that I’ve decided to take it on the road to serve even more publicity-seeking business owners. Folks tell me that the shorter event format — just two hours — and...
I’ve heard from three Publici-Tea™ graduates who are having some fabulous success earning their own publicity. Just yesterday, Certified Financial Planner Professional Steve Juetten of Juetten Personal Financial Planning, LLC was quoted extensively by a...
So many of the people I meet day to day tell me that getting seen, heard, and celebrated within the pages of the Puget Sound Business Journal — or their hometown business journal — is high on their DIY publicity priority list. The best way to earn a...
I am taking a new DIY publicity workshop format out for a spin on Wednesday, June 24 from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. in Tacoma, and I’d be honored for you to be among the first to board the Publici-Tea™ Express. If spending a half-day or longer to learn the...
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