Want Me to “Workshop” Your Bio Live at ThinkSpace on April 14?

Then be among the first 10 people from the Authentic Visibility tribe to send your RSVP to Alyssa@thinkspace.com.   Then, you’ll get to attend this complimentary and HIGH VALUE session from 3 – 4 p.m. at ThinkSpace in Redmond. Rules: You must...

Before and After Bio — Which is Better?

Sharing your bio with someone who is meeting you online for the first time can be eye opening. Here is a bio that was shared with me by email in anticipation of a recent teleclass.   What I did upon receiving it was check out the website and see what more I...

One Media Query Leads to Three Interviews and More

If you haven’t yet signed up for Blogger Link Up, I hope this blog post compels you into action.  It’s a free service, and you can click on the link to read more about it. A couple of weeks ago, I saw a post on Blogger Link Up from Janet Vasil of Your...