More on Autoresponding on Twitter — Do’s and Don’ts

I listened to an Mp3 file today about blogging best practices with Get Known Now Expert Suzanne Falter-Barns and Shama Hyder of Click to Clients, which caused me to visit Shama’s blog to see what she has brewing.  Since I’ve been writing about how...

High Tech at the Expense of High Touch? Absolutely Not!

Have you noticed how Caller ID, email,  online social networks, and other filters you’ve set up in your life and business keep people at arm’s length?  Does anyone pick up the phone anymore? Call me old fashioned, but I am deliberately picking up...

Does “Your Pitch Suck?”

I was catching up on my reading over the weekend and enjoyed reading the January edition of Inc. magazine that made mention of a free service called “Your Pitch Sucks.”   You sign up, share your pitch, and — within 24 hours — receive...