Then be among the first 10 people from the Authentic Visibility tribe to send your RSVP to   Then, you’ll get to attend this complimentary and HIGH VALUE session from 3 – 4 p.m. at ThinkSpace in Redmond.

Rules: You must send me your “best effort” bio draft and a link to your website no later than Friday, April 9 at noon in order to be put in the “hot seat” for this Extreme Bio Makeover.   Just send yours my way with “ThinkSpace” in the subject line so I know who you are.  And you have to be present at the session to benefit!

People rave about their Extreme Bio Makeovers, and you will, too.   You just have to be bold enough to put your hat in the ring.   Can’t wait to hear from you!

(And, if you’d just rather schedule your own Extreme Bio Makeover with me, I hold those appointments on Thursdays at 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m., and 3 p.m.  Check out your bio, decide how desperately yours needs an Extreme Bio Makeover, and confirm your appointment for an upcoming Thursday.   Looking forward to making you sound like the rock star you know you are and making it easy for you!)