Folks wonder what can happen for them when they invest to join a mastermind or inner circle.

Being in the right room with aligned people is huge.

Being inspired to learn by the example of the person who leads the group has been the most valuable part of being in the mastermind I joined early this year.

Getting the opportunity to mastermind and create relationships with the members is also valuable.

When you give value, you get value. Showing up is key.

When the leader holds space for you to raw and real – especially when things are not unfolding according to plan — that has priceless value as you can find ways to navigate to a better way to serve and BE in your life and business.

I invested in a mastermind in 2023. I was drawn to the leader and his way of being and also admired the way he created his success.

Thank you Mark Porteous and the members of the Metamind for your role in supporting what has been a remarkable life and business transformation for me this year.

In 2022, I was working a “big launch” model to drive enrollments into my Broadcast Your Brilliance Boot Camp & Intimate Group Mastermind, while also tending to a health issue.

Despite my consistent ability to bring hundreds and sometimes thousands of people to my master classes or 5-day challenges through my own efforts and the support of aligned partners, I was noticing declining sales results from the effort in addition to feeling overexposed, exhausted and depleted.

It was high time to make some pivots in my business model and overall marketing approach so I could love my business and love my life. After the health issue, doing more of cringe worthy activities was not an option. It was time to leap into the cake zone and make the magic happen sooner versus later because who among us knows what tomorrow will bring.

As I write this message in October of 2023, so much has changed for the better. The year started with me speaking from  my mastermind leader’s live stage in a personal way that was unlike any other speaking engagement I’ve had so far.

Being showcased as someone who is BEING the message she wants to deliver to the world as opposed to going on stage to teach a tactical method or other “get known get paid” strategy represented a big shift. It was rewarding to welcome a standing ovation and so many compliments as I took the audience on a journey to laugh, cry, and cheer as they took in some of the silver linings and lessons that showed up for me during my health challenge. That keynote has since been viewed 635 times since its debut on YouTube and welcomed 25 likes so far and a number of favorable comments.

2023 has been the year my husband and I declared to put more life in our years and to make bucket list dreams come true instead of putting our dreams on the shelf.

For example:

>> After decades of suffering through the cold, wind, and rain of the Pacific Northwest winter, we made the bold move to purchase a town home in Tucson, Arizona in April and are going to be living the “snowbird” lifestyle from November through April this year and for years to follow for as long as this lifestyle makes us happy and fulfilled.

>> I treated myself to a day at Miraval resort and spa as among my bucket list dreams. It was as magical as I remembered from my first visit decades ago.

>> We engaged a designer and a contractor to upgrade the master bathroom in our home after four years of dreaming about it.

>>  I’ve learned to knit, of all things, and am having FUN with that.

>> I made time for fitness and self-care.

>> I made time for nurturing friendships.

>> I took on the minimalism challenge this summer and released 500+ items to charity or trash.  Traveling lighter through life feels very freeing.

From a business perspective, my model and approach have shifted for the better so I can love my business and love my life.

My newest irresistible free gift is attracting ideal clients who are qualified to consider my highest value way to serve. Best of all, the opt in page for the 6 Crucial Questions special report is converting from click to lead at 53 percent.

I’ve incorporated a cause related initiative into my business so that I can attract and invite new leads into my ecosystem who share a similar value of giving back to a good cause in addition to sharing their voices in a bigger way as podcast guests.

This Media One Sheet for a Cause initiative has the potential to raise significant funds for a cause very close to my heart, deliver a gift of real value for donors, and bring invested people into my world who may feel more urgency to use the media one sheet tool they receive and/or upsell to among my proven offers.

The Bye Bye Boring Bio for a Cause initiative is also now in place to offer another way for those who follow my work to “give to get.”

Both are EVERGREEN ways for potential clients to “give to get.”

I’ve also incorporated an auto responder into the follow up sequence for the 6 Crucial Questions to Love Your Business and Your Life Special Report.

When opt in subscribers opt in to benefit from the report, they subsequently receive an invitation to give $27 to get the $97 Bye-Bye Boring Bio eWorkbook.  100% of the donations are donated to the 4th Angel Peer to Peer Mentoring Program at The Cleveland Clinic.

Going forward, aligned joint venture partners can recommend my work to their tribes so they can play a part in the giving and also benefit from the commissions I can send them when their people choose to upsell to my services and other offers.

My emphasis with list building now is more on quality versus quantity. I want INVESTED PEOPLE on my list as opposed to those who make a consistent habit of “bellying up to the free bar” and perhaps never taking action.

Now there are three ways to engage with clients, and I love delivering at every level.

The Podcast Dream Guest Mastery online course is $297. It’s an extraordinary and comprehensive value to serve the pre-revenue or early stage revenue entrepreneur who wants to learn to monetize at the microphone as a brilliant and engaging podcast guest.

The price point for my done for you media one sheet service is $697 (as of January 1 2024).

I’ve up-leveled to create a high level inner circle/mastermind that offers powerful transformation for clients in addition to a recurring revenue model for me as I serve in a deeper and broader way beyond the tactical focus that has prior been my emphasis. It’s called the Love Your Business Love Your Life Inner Circle.

I filled it via what I am calling my anti-launch launch method.

Once I dialed in in my invitation, I decided to offer a video tutorial around building your dream team and also got interviewed by one of my most trusted and most successful colleagues to showcase the value of being in the right room. Then, I made a list of ideal potential clients and started reaching out to them, one by one, in a personal way.  The right people are getting on the bus, and I could not be more delighted about that. Every name on the roster makes me smile, and I can’t wait to lead and serve this collective in my own best way so magical results can manifest for all of us.

The best part about this is I do not feel over-exposed, exhausted, and depleted. I feel on purpose, energized, and aligned.

Words cannot begin to express the depth of gratitude I have for feeling this way about building my business and serving my clients.

It’s worth many times the value I invested to participate in the mastermind.

My Leap Forward program stands ready to attract VIP clients who want white glove, concierge-level support on a one-on-on basis – also with tuition that allows for recurring revenue over months instead of short hop projects that come and go.

This week, I had the occasion to share the website copy I wrote for one of my private clients and my inner circle copy with a “mover and shaker” in our industry. She has booked a call to explore referring her best clients to my media one sheet done for you service as a steady diet and also exploring me taking on copy writing projects for her!

Another “mover and shaker” with 27 clients on her roster is so happy with her media one sheet that she has asked if I can create them for all her clients and be bundled into her fractional chief marketing officer services.

I continue to podcast guest, speak on virtual summits, lead my Facebook Group that has grown to 3500+ members, and nurture my opt in subscribers with valuable content and inspiration.   These are all fun ways to contribute that keep me in the Triple E Zone – energy, enthusiasm, and engagement.

I have space and time in my calendar to allow for “or something better” outcomes and invitations to contribute to juicy projects at higher fees.

Instead of pressuring myself to “go live” and be visible – which has felt misaligned —  I have found a fabulous work-around to that.  I hired Lyndsay Phillips of Smooth Business Systems to repurpose the best sound bites and messages from podcast interviews, summit talks, and the keynote from your stage in a branded way.  Some of the YouTube shorts can be viewed here.  Through some amazing stroke of luck and timing, one of my September summit interviews “went viral” and has so far reached 10,439 views with an average viewing time of 30 minutes.  It was a goal of mine to qualify to be a YouTube partner in 2023 by welcoming 1000 or more channel subscribers and more than 4000 watch hours. I have officially reached that goal and now qualify for monetization at YouTube.

I continue to be discerning around my joint venture relationships and projects, while making good on my commitments. Good opportunities for giving and receiving support are flowing in aligned ways.

To add to the goodness, I’ve welcomed the most amazing crew of very important pups to look after this year at The Very Important Pup Hotel. I was sad when this side hustle tanked during the pandemic. This is a joy project that pays, and I am 100% down for that. The money that flows in to this business is enough to furnish the new townhome where we hope to make a lot of happy new memories.

I want to make our industry a much nicer place by working my magic in my own best way and loving my business and my life.

Inviting epic right fit clients to join me, simplicity, and pacing feel so much better than chasing clients, complexity, and hustling.

Who I am BEING and how I show up as the best, most authentic Nancy I can be feels good, and I know the best is yet to come.

If being part of a special curated collective is something you’ve been looking for, perhaps the Love Your Business – Love Your Life Inner Circle is for you.  We are taking inquiries to join us for the NEXT six month window that starts in May of 2024.


You serve the author/speaker/coach niche as an established service professional, have a four-figure or greater offer that is already selling to your ideal client, and you nurture an opt in subscriber list of 1000 or more as a steady diet. You are on board to give as well as you receive.

If you are curious and also qualified, get in touch with me right away at or 425 442 5690.