On the day after Christmas, I took a look back at my activities for the year and let out scream of glee.  I enjoyed many fabulous opportunities to empower others with the value and impact of free publicity.

In addition to providing public relations and storytelling services to Seattle Chocolate Company, Olympic Hot Tub Company, the Association of Corporate Growth – Seattle, Highline Medical Center, Graebel Quality Movers, Cascade Bank,  ZookHooks Inc. and a few other fabulous clients with great stories to tell, I delivered:

A fabulous media placement for Seattle Chocolate Company in O The Oprah Magazine!  Earning a placement in this magazine has been a goal of mine for years.  Now, I can proudly say I’ve achieved it!

One TV interview on KOMO TV 4 with Dr. Mehmet Oz, who came to Seattle at Highline Medical Center’s invitation to empower and ‘wow’ the hundreds of women who attended his keynote presentation offering essential and practical health advice;

One fabulous broadcast feature about Frangos (created by Seattle Chocolate Company!) on KING 5 TV’s ever-popular Evening Magazine;

One new product introduction to benefit women newly diagnosed with breast cancer and support business owners in their quest to earn free publicity called the Publici-Tea™-TO-GO! Gift Bundle;

Two product sales to offer my followers access to Authentic Visibility information products at special savings;

Four radio interviews on Chat with Women, the Dr. Pat Show, the Small Business Innovators Radio Show with Paul Casey, and Bellevue Today with Kevin Henry.

Four Winning Bio Writing Workshops;

Six teleseminars with local and national business building/publicity experts including PR Secrets CEO Susan Harrow, Practical Marketing Expert Stacy Karacostas, Patrick Snow, the Independent Practitioners Alliance for the Public Relations Society of America, Street Smarts Marketer Kathleen Gage, and PR Leads Founder Dan Janal;

Six marketing booths at local networking events such as International Networking Day in Seattle and the eWomenNetwork;

Eight articles to empower the independent business owners who belong to BizNik;

Nine Publici-Tea™ Workshops;

Ten Do-it-Yourself Publicity Video Vignettes;

Twelve “Media Savvy” newspaper columns for the Puget Sound Business Journal (search “Nancy Juetten” to find them conveniently online);

Fourteen speeches about DIY publicity to quality organizations such as:

  1. The National Association of Professional Organizers – Bellevue Chapter
  2. The Women in Business Forum for the Bellevue Chamber
  3. The Go Mobile Advertising National Affiliate Conference
  4. The Alternative Board – Seattle
  5. The Kirkland Chamber of Commerce Panel Discussion on Local Publicity
  6. The North Seattle Community College Network Breakfast
  7. The Snohomish Tourism Bureau
  8. The Marketplace Ministries Networking Luncheon, Auburn, WA
  9. The Women’s Entrepreneur Organization (WEO) in Portland, Oregon
  10. Women Business Owners Networking Lunch
  11. Factoria Rotary
  12. Money Wise Business Women Conference
  13. Northwest Entrepreneur Network “Think Tank” Panel on Free Publicity
  14. The Third Thursday Professional Development Seminar for the Seattle Design Center

Fifteen Rent-Nancy’s-PR-Brain Appointments;

Twenty-Six Authentic Visibility Ezines;

Over 300 blog posts;

And thousands of opportunities to connect with motivated, inspired business owners in the Puget Sound region and beyond through this blog, social networks, and other networking and media relations activities.  It’s rewarding to be part of a community of business owners who share my belief that great success and remarkable results await for those who get into inspired DIY publicity action.

I don’t just preach the power of DIY publicity.  I consistently apply it to my own business, and the results are powerful — even in today’s challenging economy.

I am grateful for every opportunity I’ve been offered and earned to share what I know about publicity to support your success and my own.  And, I am grateful the year is fast coming to a close so I can take a breath and set powerful and positive intentions to serve in the New Year.

So with all that said, here is advice I often share that is well worth repeating.  Consider the five most powerful lead generation strategies you have put in place in 2008 and ask yourself how consistently you have applied them.   Then, think carefully about the best combination of activities you intend to deploy powerfully and consistently in the New year, based on the results your efforts have brought forth so far. I have always found that the combination of power and consistency is the key to unlocking DIY publicity success and any other kind of success you seek.

Since I am someone who is amazingly consistent with DIY publicity, I know for sure which activities have delivered the greatest impact and which one’s haven’t.   I intend to do some strategic pruning to make sure just about every move I make is productive and fun so I can save some valuable time to relax, recharge, and just be.

One thing I know works extraordinarily well for serving business owners and inviting new opportunities to be of service is public speaking, and I am actively seeking new engagements for 2009.  If you or organizations you know are looking for DIY publicity inspiration to empower business owners to higher levels of success, I’d be honored to contribute as a speaker.  The timing to roll up the sleeves and share your message could not be better, and the satisfaction of doing it yourself is good for your soul and your balance sheet.

If you are game to get into do-it-yourself publicity action on January 9, 2009, sign up today for one of the 12 remaining seats at the Publici-Tea™ Half-Day Workshop taking place at The Village Bellevue from 12:30 – 5 p.m.   You can read all the fabulous testimonials from prior guests and sign up conveniently by clicking on this convenient link. And, here is a special offer.  If you wish to bring your marketing assistant or other essential co-collaborator with you to the January 9 Publici-Tea™, you can enjoy a $100 savings on your guest’s event tuition when you call me at 425-641-5214 or send me email at nancy@nsjmktg.com to secure that reservation.   When the 12th seat is taken for the January 9, 2009 event, this offer expires, so act quickly to benefit from this high value offer that will set up your 2009 DIY publicity program for inspired action and results.
