Way to Stop the Conversation Before it Starts

Phone message — We are looking for a super low budget publicist.  Call me to talk it over. Call me crazy, but that is not the way to start a conversation. And the message was left on my answering machine at 6:30 a.m. on a Saturday. How conversations start...

Marketing: Are You Unplugged? Prospect Profiler Rosey Dow Weighs In

This blog post comes courtesy of Prospect Profiler™  Rosey Dow. She says that knowing your prospects is the first step to creating a powerful marketing message.  This blog post elaborates.  Take it away Rosey. A few years ago, my son and his four...

Final Oprah Show, a Few Tears, 10,000 Trees, and One More

The last Oprah Winfrey Show has aired. For me, Oprah has been a guide to transform my life into something that was beyond what I once did not have the vision to imagine.  I remember her telling the story about looking outside her kitchen window of her childhood...

My Own Bio Gets a Makeover Today

Today, I took on the task of updating my own story to reflect my most current and authentic message.  This isn’t easy because I am so close to my own work.    And, I would bet that this comment resonates with a great many of you. Still, ...

Are You the Ultimate Oprah Show Viewer?

Call me crazy, but I just might have the juice to qualify for this contest.  Do you?  Here is the link to share your story.  Here is mine: Oprah’s been with me through every major life transition of my life — big or small — over 25...

Vote for Whitney Keyes so She Can Empower You on OWN TV

My good friend, colleague, and amazing and aspiring TV host Whitney Keyes is campaigning for her moment in the spotlight with none other than the Oprah Winfrey Network, also known as OWN TV.  I think she did a great job sharing her pitch and qualifications....