Are you an expert, author, or messenger who just gets stuck when it comes to writing your bio, making yourself sound interesting to a podcast host, or knowing how to make a winning approach so you can speak up and share your story on podcasts and other platforms? Join...
Since meeting Joe Pallo last year, my own client enrollment system has welcomed a 100% overhaul at the feet of Joe’s wisdom and inspiration, and the results have been amazing. During this special session I hosted for the alumni of the Broadcast Your Brilliance...
This podcast guest spot on the Daily Self-Publishing Podcast drops lots of value and practical, game-changing tips for self-published authors who want to build businesses based on their expertise. How did this interview come to pass? I saw a post from the host Jeremy...
Do you let that stop you from showing up at your best and pitching the best shows? Do you allow your intimidation to propel you out of your comfort zone and into a new place of service? This was a candid conversation that came up between me and Holley Mignosi after a...
Your assignment for Day 1: Create a sloppy first copy of your Media One Sheet. Download a gift template to make this fast and easy from this link: Then, join me for the Podcast Visibility Live Lab, starting September 13, 2021....
Note: I wrote this article in 2012, and it bears repeating. James Taylor’s classic song “That’s Why I’m Here” offers lyrics that speak to the desires of many consultants, experts, authors and speakers to get known and get paid. He writes, “Fortune and fame. Such a...
Stumped about how to write a business bio that attracts premium clients? This video news release showcases powerful tips and the Brilliant Bio Now gift template to make the process fast and easy. Overcome writer’s block and get this done right at the start of...
SEATTLE, Nov. 14, 2014 — The Larry King of “Google Hangouts” — Alex Mandossian — and Get Known to Get Paid Mentor Nancy Juetten are joining forces on Thursday, November 20 at 4 p.m. PST to guide aspiring VIRTUAL workshop, retreat, and...
With all the excitement brewing about submitting videos for the Oprah Winfrey Network and beyond, it seems timely to share useful tips to be a super TV guest. Here with a new guest blog post is Janet Vasil of Your Media Moment. Take it away Janet! Polishing your TV...
Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook is now Available!
It’s the ultimate guide for experts, speakers and authors to transform their boring bios from wallpaper to wow to attract connections, clients and cash now.
Grab your FREE Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook Preview
to get media savvy, media ready and on message to
WOW hosts every time you take the microphone.