My Day Office Earned Cable TV Coverage, Thanks to Media-Savvy-to-Go Tips

I received a fabulous telephone message last Friday night.  Shauna Brennan, founder of My Day Office, called to report that she earned TV news coverage for her new venture based on the tips within the Authentic Visibility booklets. She said, "I made the TV news. Thank you again for all of your media savvy tips. [...]

My Day Office Earns Cable TV Coverage, Thanks to Media-Savvy-to-Go Tips

I received a fabulous telephone message last Friday night. Shauna Brennan, the founder of My Day Office, called to thank me again for providing media savvy tips that are supporting the launch of her new business. As a result of following those tips, Shauna created a press release and issued it to the local media. [...]

Local Speaking Gig Leads to Big Ink and More

Public speaking can be a powerful way to build buzz about your expertise and be of service to others. Article writing for the local media packs a punch, as well. Stacy Karacostas, founder of SuccessStream and the author of a fabulous workbook that helps small business owners craft a winning marketing plan to get on [...]

My Day Office Earns Huge Ink by Following Media-Savvy-to-Go Tips

I love it when people share their media relations triumphs, and this example packs a punch. I first met Shauna Brennan, founder of My Day Office, at a media relations presentation I gave at the invitation of Eastside Commercial Bank. She was inspired to spend $10 to purchase the Authentic Visibility Publicity Tips Booklets as [...]

One Good Thing Can Lead to Another – Media Momentum is a Powerful Thing!

Congratulations to Alice Cunningham of Olympic Hot Tub Company for achieving the 30th anniversary of launching her business this month.   In June of 2006, Alice gave an inspiring talk at the North Seattle Community College Network Breakfast about the importance of making one's products and services easy to buy, own, and refer.  Little did she [...]