Sharing the Bye-Bye Boring Bio Message with 80,000 People in Japan

Today a favorable review and useful tips from Bye-Bye Boring Bio debuts to reach English speaking people in Japan. How did this come about, you may be wondering.  My short explanation is that one good thing often leads to another. A few weeks ago, Dan Janal —...

NPR, CNBC, and USA Today – Hurray for Guaranteed Press Releases

Today is the day that news about the debut of the 2nd  edition of Bye-Bye Boring Bio is traveling far and wide, thanks to a Guaranteed Press Release sent over the wire this morning.   Already the news has showed up on sites for, NPR,  USA Today, and beyond. ...

Good News for Those Seeking Transcription Services from ScribeRight

If you’ve been looking for the perfect solution to ease your needs to meticulously accurate transcription of meeting notes, audio files, and the link, today’s news from ScribeRight Transcription Agency comes just in time to make your life a whole lot...