9 Strategies to Becoming a Thought Leader—and a Media Darling

By Susan Harrow So many people call themselves thought leaders now – but they aren’t. To be a thought leader takes some doing. It’s not so much about being original as it is about putting things together in an original way. It comes down to packaging...

My Single BEST Benefit from Joint Venturing Might Surprise You

What is the single BEST benefit of joint venturing for me? It is NOT the prizes, mailbox money, or recognition. Not by a long shot. The best part for me is the opportunity to be in the presence of great business people who are thinking big and sharing generously their...

What is Doomed to Fail with Workshops, Retreats, and Seminars?

Master Workshop Trainer Callan Rush Reveals What is Working with Live Workshops, Retreats and Seminars and What is Doomed to Fail in New Live Event Revolution Special Gift Report.This 27-page report is a must-read if leading live or virtual events is on your priority...

Create Your Own Shawshank Redemption for Labor Day 2014 and Beyond

Hardly a day goes by when someone working in corporate life wishes and hopes to escape the nine-to-five career to pursue the idea of lucrative self-employment. That is why Pam Slim’s 2009 book Escape from Cubicle Nation touched a huge nerve to become an...

Amateur or Pro? Casualness Breeds Casualty — Jeanna Gabellini

It felt like a wake-up call the first time I heard the seminar leader say, “Casualness breeds Casualty.” He was referring to how we treat our goals and the people on our team. When we don’t give them our intention and attention, they fizzle instead...