Dog Day Afternoon — Bring It On!

After a wild day that started with a radio interview on the Chat with Women Show and all kinds of action around here, I am going to actually call it an early day and enjoy the sunshine.  I read Tia Ribary’s article on BizNik that suggested that taking a bit...

The Pride of Doing It Yourself is Priceless

Whether you are earning your own publicity or doing something else for the first time on a do-it-yourself basis, the thrill and pride of accomplishment that you feel is pretty darn priceless. Case in point. Earlier in the week, I helped my son Kyle bake his first...

Watch “The Grumpy Movie” and You’ll Be Glad that You Did!

I met the founders of a company called Motivation in a Minute at the eWomenNetwork International Conference and Business Expo. I was impressed with the authenticity of the owners, even though we met for a very brief moment. I just had a sense they had something...

Happy News on the Home Front

If you’ve been following this blog for any length of time, you know that I’ve been searching for a new house to call home for the last nine months.  I am happy and grateful to report that my husband, son, and golden retriever have officially moved...

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Olympic Hot Tub Company Co-Founder Alice Cunningham recalled a heart-warming story from Father’s Day weekend that offers proof positive that good things come to those who wait — for customer and retailer alike. The wife of a deserving dad heard...

America, We Have a New American Idol – David Cook

Yes, I watched the show tonight. And I loved every minute. Watching Ben Stiller, Jack Black, and Robert Downey Junior perform as Pips to Gladys Knight’s vocal performance made me laugh out loud. What a guilty pleasure. Congratulations to David Cook, a...