I heard from a couple of my Publici-Tea™ workshop graduates this week that good things are unfolding in their businesses as a result of their DIY publicity efforts. The Gifted Teen Coach Margit Crane writes: “Back in early November, I answered a HARO query...
I watch my blog traffic statistics pretty carefully, and I have noticed that two of the newspaper columns I wrote for the Puget Sound Business Journal have been very popular. I posted the story links to Digg because I would love for even more publicity-seeking...
If you have the courage to ask for what you want, you just might get what you ask for — or something much better. Here is a case in point. If you’ve been following my work for any length of time, you know that I started my business with a desire so very...
For all the reality TV show fans here and beyond, the big wins this week have been something to see. First, Shawn Johnson wins “Dancing with the Stars.” Then, Kris Allen wins “American Idol” in what will no doubt be considered an amazing...
People connect with me regularly to ask about the DIY publicity products and services I use to help my clients earn publicity. Today, I’ve debuted some new links on the right side of the blog navigation so you can easily investigate products and services I...
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