7 Simple Steps to Create a Press Release Today

Getting the word out about your expertise and latest news can be accomplished with a simple press release you prepare and then SHARE via your blog, ezine, social media, OR via the distribution service of your choice. This blog post intends to make it easy for you to...

How to be an Awesome Joint Venture Partner (And Win Launches!)

While in the company of some of the world’s leading luminaries in the professional coaching community, we brainstormed around the best ways to demonstrate that you are an awesome JV partner who has what it takes to even win the big launches.These and other...

My Single BEST Benefit from Joint Venturing Might Surprise You

What is the single BEST benefit of joint venturing for me? It is NOT the prizes, mailbox money, or recognition. Not by a long shot. The best part for me is the opportunity to be in the presence of great business people who are thinking big and sharing generously their...