Don’t let your song stay bottled up inside of you …

Kathi Suprata made a huge impact on me earlier this year when she sang the “What Could Have Been Blues” at at intimate dinner event I was hosting for among my favorite clients. The joy she expressed as she delivered her message got me straight to the...

How much should you invest in professional development?

I asked this question from my personal Facebook page yesterday, and a firestorm of comments flowed in overnight. If this is a question on your mind right about now, join the conversation and add your two cents. Before asking the question, I conferred with three of my...

[Video] Use the Right Words to Elevate your Ideal Audience!

Are you thinking about raising the bar for the audience you get to serve in the New Year? Maybe you are running into too many prospects who complain about not having the money, time, or resources to make your products, programs or services a top priority. If that is...

[Video] Speak but Don’t Sell — What Do You Do?

Speakers: You’ve been invited to speak for 20 minutes for a local business group. The host says you can teach, but you can’t sell anything. What do you do to make the most of this opportunity? During this BeLive.TV broadcast, I share 5 tried and true ways...

[Speaker Video Reels] Use what you have and be proud of it

It’s kind of a big deal to be creating my very first sizzle reel to showcase myself as a speaker.  I have been speaking to audiences big and small since the year 2002, and it’s been quite a journey for me. If you’ve been following my work for a...

I am such a fire starter!

I am such a fire starter! Last week, I hosted a VIP Raise Your Voice – Make Your Impact Dinner Mastermind in Portland, Oregon. I reached out to the ‘movers and shakers’ in the industry who live and work in that city and extended an invitation for...