Life Goes on Roadmap in the Spotlight Today – Thank You Debbie Page

Excited to share that Life Goes on Roadmap is showcased in this blog interview. How did I get the gig? I responded to an email from a valued colleague and long time friend and did my best to tell a good story. Thank you Debbie Page. Could it be that you have a truth...

Opportunity for Visibility is Everywhere …

If you are open to the idea of getting more visibility, you’ll find it everywhere — especially in your own backyard. You may know that I run a hobby business called The Very Important Pup Hotel. It’s my ’empty nest’ project that brings...

Amateur or Pro? Casualness Breeds Casualty — Jeanna Gabellini

It felt like a wake-up call the first time I heard the seminar leader say, “Casualness breeds Casualty.” He was referring to how we treat our goals and the people on our team. When we don’t give them our intention and attention, they fizzle instead...

10 Things Not to Do When Making an Elevator Pitch

When a query crossed my inbox about how to make elevator pitches better, I was an early bird with my reply.  And my tips is among the ten showcased in this article. When I review queries, here are questions I ask myself: Is the subject matter for the query...