Get Booked on More Podcasts When You Learn the Right Steps to Take (and When to Take Them)
I want to share some practical strategies that will help you book more podcast appearances and achieve the desired podcast guesting success.

Boost Your Business through the Power of Systematic and Quality Referrals with Joe Pallo and Nancy Juetten
Since meeting Joe Pallo last year, my own client enrollment system has welcomed a 100% overhaul at the feet of Joe’s wisdom and inspiration, and the results have been amazing. During this special session I hosted for the alumni of the Broadcast Your Brilliance...
Happy 91st Birthday Les Winters – A Most Memorable and Inspiring Math Teacher
Dear Mr. Winters, You may not remember me, but I remember you. I was a student in your Algebra 2 class at Kennedy High School, sometime around 1978. Despite earning good grades in just about every subject, math clearly was not a strong suit for me. You invited me to...
How I welcomed hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales to my business and how you can, too
I’ve been doing business online since 2009. Despite the ups and downs of the economy and speed bumps in my personal life, I’ve managed to generate top line revenue of well over six-figures consistently since then — with the exception of two years...
What To Do When Everybody Cancels on You – the When It Worked Podcast with Julian Leahy and Nancy Juetten

Before and After Media One Sheet Transformation for Certified Image Master and Style Expert Marion Gellatly
Last week, I had the opportunity to meet and work with Certified Image Master and Style Expert Marion Gellatly during a semi-private media one sheet makeover session. Marion’s aim is to book herself on the right podcasts to benefit from her message and also to...
The Unstoppable Entrepreneur Business Incubator was the catalyst for me to turn prior setbacks into the set up for a comeback.
In November of 2020, I invested in the Kelly Roach Unstoppable Entrepreneur business incubator program. Something about the “live launch method” she was teaching resonated with my own value of seeing, hearing, and celebrating others. I felt compelled to go “all in” to...
September 2021 Podcast Visibility Live Lab Workbook
If you have not already signed up for the Podcast Visibility Live Lab gearing up to start on September 13, this link makes it fast and easy. There is no fee to participate, and you can participate by Zoom or enjoy the training that streams live into the Raise Your...