Reflections on my 60th Birthday

Reflections on my 60th Birthday

Yesterday was my 60th birthday.  Yep.  It’s true.  This gal is 60 years of age.  I’ve been reflecting a bit about this milestone birthday. Looking back on my life, I have so much to be happy and grateful about. I’ve been...
Have you seen our new home page? We designed it for YOU!

Have you seen our new home page? We designed it for YOU!

Today I debut a new HOME PAGE for the website to better serve YOU. The new design is all about solving the challenges that aspiring podcast guests struggle with and offering solutions to meet those needs. You are invited to take a look. Visit...
It’s never wrong to be uncommonly kind

It’s never wrong to be uncommonly kind

Of all the stories and podcasts that I have been contributed to, this one makes me the most proud.  It reveals so much of my heart, who I am,  and the good I strive to do in the world.  My fondest hope is that many are inspired by it.  When you...

Ghosts, goblins and other frights — plus some TREATS!

Ghosts, goblins and other frights are stirring for Halloween, and it’s all in good fun. Sometimes, real life can be scary, too. When three women I love were faced with sudden disease, divorce, and death in the same week, their financial lives were undone in an...