Nancy Juetten’s Media One Sheet – Updated for March 2022

Nancy Juetten’s Media One Sheet – Updated for March 2022

Every six months or so, it’s a good idea to revisit your media one sheet to make sure the message is up to date and reflects the current emphasis of your business and to also update your profiles on any of the podcast matchmaking sites to which you belong or...
How to bring more of the right people to your next online challenge

How to bring more of the right people to your next online challenge

Aside from delivering brilliant content with authenticity and spirit that can transform lives and businesses, among the most important levers to pull to ensure the success of your next online challenge is to do everything within your power to bring more of the right...
Reflections on my 60th Birthday

Reflections on my 60th Birthday

Yesterday was my 60th birthday.  Yep.  It’s true.  This gal is 60 years of age.  I’ve been reflecting a bit about this milestone birthday. Looking back on my life, I have so much to be happy and grateful about. I’ve been...
Have you seen our new home page? We designed it for YOU!

Have you seen our new home page? We designed it for YOU!

Today I debut a new HOME PAGE for the website to better serve YOU. The new design is all about solving the challenges that aspiring podcast guests struggle with and offering solutions to meet those needs. You are invited to take a look. Visit...